book reviews
My Book Rating System
Knowing what to read to your children--or what to allow them to read-can be a struggle! That's why I've created lists of books by age, reading level, genre, and topic. I also review nearly every book I read, so you can find the best and safest literature for your children. Read more on what I'm looking for or find my book reviews below...

As I read and review books and curate reading lists, I am keeping in mind these things:
Is the book well written?
Is it age appropriate?
Does it contain content that is contrary to God's standards?
Does it contain content that is age dependent? (not
necessarily immoral, but requires maturity to process)
I have developed a parental rating system so you can easily
identify whether or not a book is outside your comfort zone when
it comes to questionable content (either because of moral
standards or maturity issues).
Because we are all familiar with movie ratings, I have opted to
adapt this rating system. These ratings, though a guide, are not a substitute for your own parental oversight! My standards may not be the same as yours. As always, please preview any books you put into your child's hands! (Click here to learn how I quickly preview books for my children.):
G--content is appropriate for all ages
PG--content is appropriate for most, but potential issues are highlighted
PG-10--content is not appropriate for those under 10, issues are highlighted so parents can decide if their 10-13 year olds are ready for this content
PG-13--content is not appropriate for those under 13, issues are highlighted so parents can decide if their 13-16 year olds are ready for this content
PG-16--content is not appropriate for those under 16, issues are highlighted so parents can decide if their teens are ready for this content
Adult--content is not appropriate for minors of any age, issues are highlighted so parents can decide if the book is worth reading for themselves
I hope my rating system helps you find just the right books for your children, but if you need recommendations, be sure to check out my book lists!