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week 1 of the Smudged Pages Course

Thank you for giving The Smudged Pages Course© a try.

I pray it blesses you!


I recommend you read the introduction to The Smudged Pages Companion first (see PDF). This will give you an idea of the goal and direction of the course.


Next watch the video. These weekly chats are intended to jump start each week of the course, giving you some perspective and focus. I also share a bit of my own life and experiences with you. I have been where you are. . .you are not alone!


Finally, dive into the first lesson of the companion guide (PDF). The more you put in, the more you'll get out. And remember, the Holy Spirit wants to do a transforming work in your life! He will lead and guide you throughout the whole course. His aim is healing and restoration for your heart and mind.

You can access your BONUS 10-day devotional here!

week one

The Story's Premise

This week's video provides an introduction to the course as well as encouragement that life and hope is possible. The Holy Spirit wants to do the work of restoration and renewal in your life!


Week One Focus: Set the precedent to put aside distractions, dig deeply, and really engage with the material in the workbook on a personal level.


Don't forget to schedule your BONUS 1-on-1 personal chat with me!

Love what you see and want the full course? Click here for more details or BUY NOW!

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