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Do you long for acceptance without strings? Do you strive for the picture perfect life? Do you feel like a failure? Do you wonder if God even hears you?


You are not alone!


For years I lived in a negative cycle of lies, self-criticism, and false failure. All I could see where the smudges on my pages which resulted in depression and near suicide. But God, who is ever-present even when we don't feel him, led me to a place of hope. He wants to do the same for you!


This book will:

  • Pinpoint which lies you are believing about your identity
  • Give you truth from God's Word to renew your mind
  • Provide the inspiration and motivation to give the pen back to God


There may be smudges on your pages, but the Author of Life intends for your story to be a Masterpiece!

Smudged Pages: Letting Go of the Lies and Letting God Write Your Story

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