
The Smudged Pages Course
The Smudged Pages Course combines The Smudged Pages Companion Guide with weekly videos. Each online lesson dovetails with a chapter in the workbook and offers additional insights and real-life examples to encourage and motivate you, as well as tips to help you tackle the lies head on and engage with God’s truth in a way that brings freedom. (For more information, check out the Smudged Pages tab on the website header.)
10 weeks

Homeschooling 101 Workshop
Considering homeschooling but don't know where to start? New to homeschooling but still feeling a bit overwhelmed? This course covers: how to decide if homeschooling is right for you, popular homeschooling methods, student learning styles, how to choose curriculum, and MORE!
1 hour

Learning Styles Mini-course
With loads of examples and helpful insights, this course will help you identify your child's learning style and how to work with it. If you are homeschooling, it will help you tailor your teaching to each child's unique bent. If your children are traditionally schooled, it will give you the tools to help them succeed academically both in the classroom and at home.
5 sessions