Still debating if the Smudged Pages Course© is right for you?
May I answer your questions or concerns?

"I'm not sure I have the time to dive into a 10-week course!"
I get it...10 weeks is a long time. BUT you can always choose the self-paced course and complete it on your own time at your own speed. Have a busy day or week? No problem! Pick up where you left off. Your access to the content never expires! IF YOU WANT COACHING but don't think you can keep up with a group, choose the 1-on-1 coaching option and schedule your coaching sessions around your schedule!

"I'm not sure I can afford it."
I understand. Our family of six lived on one income for many, MANY years. As a full-time, stay-at-home homeschooling mom of four I was always pinching pennies trying to make ends meet. Which is why I was always a little reluctant to make a purchase unless I could examine the product (clothes, curriculum, Bible studies...) for myself to see if it was a good fit. That's why I'm so excited to give you the opportunity to try the course and coaching out before you purchase! (see below)

"I've tried this kind of thing before and it didn't work."
that's frustrating, to be sure. Maybe you didn't have the support and encouragement you needed. Maybe you didn't have the accountability you needed. Maybe the course or coaching you tried wasn't fully rooted in the word of God and the Work of the Holy Spirit. I want to let you know that ALL of these issues are addressed in the Smudged Pages Course!
This entire course is centered around allowing the Holy Spirit to do a transforming work in our lives
It takes a deep dive into the Word of God
The Group or 1-on-1 coaching provides support, encouragement, & accountability
The online course community adds another layer of support, encouragement, & accountability
As someone who has walked this journey myself, I am available for prayer and consultation all throughout the process
"I don't know if I want other people to know about my personal issues."
Everyone is different with varying comfort levels. That is OK!
That's why you can do the Smudged Pages Course one of three ways.
Choose the Self-paced option for the most privacy (just you & God!)
Coose 1-on-1 coaching for completely confidential help with NO judgement (believe me, I've been there!)
Choose Group coaching for community, support, & encouragement with other women who are going through the same kinds of struggles!

"What if the format just isn't my style?"
It happens. Not everything is for everybody, and nothing's worse than investing in something that just isn't a good fit. That's why I'm happy to offer you the option of trying out the Smudged Pages Course for FREE!

"I need a little more information on what this course includes."
Of Course! Let me break it down for you week by week:
Have you considered the cost of NOT doing the Smudged Pages Course?
Satan is the enemy of your soul. He wants you stuck in a cycle of lies, false failure, and guilt. He doesn't want you walking in your god-given identity. He doesn't want you experiencing victory, Peace, Joy, Hope, & rest...But God Does!
Jesus said...
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness." (Jn. 10:10, BSB)
The Holy Spirit wants to do this transforming work in your life if you will allow him!
How do I know?
he's done it in my life and the lives of other women just like you who have walked this journey through the Smudged Pages Course.
are you ready to shed the lies & renew your mind so that you too can live in that place of victory, peace, joy, hope, & rest?

Yes, I'm does this work?

All you have to do is fill out a simple registration form. You will receive an email giving you immediate access to the first week of the course (except for membership in the Smudged Pages Course online support group).
That's it! No payments, no gimmicks.
If you like what you see, you will have the option to purchase the full course (with a one-time payment or four do-able installments). If you're not interested, that's fine. It was my gift to you to bless you!